What's New

Endeavor's IRB module is now LIVE!

The wait is finally over!  Endeavor's IRB modulate launched August 1, 2024. There are some important differences with Endeavor that you should be aware of. Please read through each of the items under 'Key Differences' very carefully as they provide critical information for a smooth submission.

Endeavor can be accessed in several ways:

There are some important differences with Endeavor that you should be aware of. Please read through each of these items very carefully as they provide critical information for a smooth submission:

  • There are new protocols and study document templates that you will need to use. Please be sure to access and download the latest versions from the embedded library within the IRB module of Endeavor, from the Endeavor Toolkit page, or from the Files section of this Canvas site.  
  • After you submit your protocol, a workflow diagram will populate. This will allow you to see where your submission is in the IRB review process. Please note that your submission is not with the IRB until the workflow goes from Pre-Submission to Pre-Review. This occurs when you click on the Submit button located in the left menu bar.


    Not submitted (i.e., the IRB does not have your submission):
    Endeavor workflow showing pre-submission

    This is how your workflow should look when your submission has reached the IRB office:
    Endeavor workflow showing pre-review
  • Only PIs can Submit. Please refer to HRP-103 - Investigator Manual or the Who can be a PI? page in Canvas for more information on who is eligible to serve as a PI on an AU IRB submission.  NOTE: Adding key study personnel to the Local Study Team Members SmartForm will allow those individuals to edit the submission.
    Endeavor menu bar showing local study team members option
  • IMPORTANT: Endeavor pulls users from an HR feed. Only those individuals on payroll are included in the HR feed. If a graduate student is not on a paid assistantship, or if an undergraduate research assistant needs to be added to the system, you will need to email Martha Taylor at taylomm@auburn.edu with their name, non-alias email address (i.e., att0000, not aubiethetiger@auburn.edu), and their Banner ID. 
  • CITI training is now integrated with Endeavor. This means that you will not have to attach CITI completion certificates for AU personnel. However, all study team members must be affiliated with Auburn University, and be using their non-alias AU email address (for instructions on how to affiliate with AU, please click here). The CITI feed pulls approximately every 24 hours. Please keep this in mind when adding users that are not natively in the system from the HR feed. You will be required to ensure that CITI training requirements are met for your study team members. Please see the Training Requirements page in the IRB Pre-Submission module for more information. 
  • The IRB approval stamp will always be in the lower left footer of the document. Please plan for this on all of your materials by not having anything blocking the left footer region.
  • Your department head/chair will need to complete an ancillary review for your protocol prior to final approval. The ancillary review process will be initiated by IRB administrative staff when your protocol gets assigned a Designated Reviewer. Your department head/chair will receive a notification via email. 
  • All submissions will undergo a Pre-Review process. This process is intended to ensure that the submission has basic requirements necessary for review. If a submission is missing items, it may be sent back to the PI for additional materials or clarification. This will be evident in the workflow diagram as Clarification Requested. You will also receive a notification via email. 

Huron offers many resources to assist users with navigating the system. One of the resources that is readily available is the Help icon located in the upper right corner within Endeavor. By clicking on the Help button, you will be presented with a number of options, each having a resource page and/or video. 

Endeavor help menu


The AU IRB will also be providing guidance documents and resources through the Endeavor IRB Resource Center in Canvas.

Certain types of studies were migrated to Endeavor from SharePoint. The migration included approved exempt, expedited, and full board studies. NHSR determinations and developmental approvals did not transfer to Endeavor. If your developmental approval is expiring, you must submit a new request through Endeavor. 

IMPORTANT: You will need to update your shell protocol to complete the migration at first need (i.e., due to modification or expiration date), or within 1-year of migration for studies that do not require continuing review. To complete migration, follow the information provided in GUIDANCE - Shell Protocols. Please visit Migrated Protocols ("Shell Protocols") to learn more. During your first modification or update in Endeavor, you will need to attach your most recently approved study documents. You will also need to transfer your protocol information (copy/paste) into one of the new Endeavor templates, available on the Endeavor Toolkit webpage, as part of the Endeavor Toolkit module, or within the Library embedded in Endeavor. If you have studies that have lapsed, please contact the irbadmin@auburn.edu immediately. 

If you have questions, concerns, feedback, or would like to schedule a training, we would love to hear from you! We realize that a strong HRPP requires a community of dedicated researchers, staff, and administrative support. We look forward to working with our campus community to ensure the health, safety, rights, and welfare of our participants.