Auburn University Endeavor Logo

Endeavor's IRB module is LIVE!

Please read through this entire page to make sure you have all the necessary information to submit in the new Endeavor electronic system.

How do I access Endeavor?

  1. Endeavor can be accessed by navigating to, through AU Access, or by scanning the QR code below.
    Endeavor QR code
    Screenshot of AU Access dashboard with Endeavor logo highlighted
  2. You will need to log in using the DUO mobile two-factor authentication. 
  3. Endeavor can be accessed using Windows and Macintosh platforms. The preferred browsers are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. 

What do I need to know when submitting a new study?

  1. Please refer to the GUIDANCE - Creating a New Submission document for assistance with developing an Endeavor submission. The guidance document will walk you through submitting a new study.
  2. You will be required to submit a study protocol with your Endeavor application. Study templates can be found on the Endeavor Toolkit webpage, or within the Library embedded in Endeavor
  3. You can always contact the IRB Office if you need assistance, or schedule a Zoom meeting with an IRB staff member. 

What do I need to know about my 'shell' protocol that migrated from SharePoint?

  1. Certain types of submissions migrated from SharePoint to Endeavor. These include approved exempt, expedited, and full board studies. NHSR determinations and developmental approvals did not transfer to Endeavor. If your developmental approval is expiring, you must submit a new request through Endeavor.
  2. IMPORTANT: You will need to update your shell protocol to complete the migration at first need (i.e., due to modification or expiration date), or within 1-year of migration for studies that do not require continuing review. To complete migration, follow the information provided in GUIDANCE - Shell Protocols.
  3. During your first modification or update in Endeavor, you will need to attach your most recently approved study documents. You will also need to transfer your protocol information (copy/paste) into one of the new Endeavor templates, available on the Endeavor Toolkit webpage, or within the Library embedded in Endeavor.
  4. If you have studies that have lapsed, please contact the immediately.