All animal use protocols, SOPs, and protocol modification forms are required to be reviewed and signed by the Project Veterinarian BEFORE being submitted to the Auburn University IACUC. Please allow 7 business days prior to the IACUC submission deadline for appropriate veterinary review.
All IACUC Forms on this page are Microsoft Word forms and may not be compatible with Mac software or Google Docs. If the form is completed in either of these programs and the formatting is changed, the form will not be accepted. For best results, open and complete the forms in MS Word.
NEW PROTOCOL SUBMISSION FORMS (No Handwritten Forms & No Photos of any documents, Please)
- Animal Subjects Review Form– (ASRF) a protocol describing research, teaching, or demonstration activities. There is a place on this form to indicate which type of activity is being described (e.g. research, teaching, etc.).
- Animal Production/Maintenance Facility Standard Operating Procedures– (SOP form) a protocol describing only the production and/or maintenance of animals (e.g. those animals being produced and/or maintained for research or teaching activities).
- MRI Use Form--This form must be completed and attached to the protocol document if MRI is going to be used in the project.
ATTENTION: If you are College of Veterinary Medicine Faculty and you intend to use privately owned animals in your IACUC project, the protocol document and client consent form must first be reviewed by the CRRC (Clinical Research Review Committee).
The CRRC was appointed by the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine to provide review and oversight of research projects by any faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) involving privately owned animals or patients of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH)
MODIFICATION FORMS (No Handwritten Forms Please)
Any changes to an approved protocol require IACUC approval prior to implementation by the Principal Investigator (PI). The PI should submit a request for changes using this form at least one month prior to the anticipated implementation date. Under unusual circumstances, the PI may request a designated-member review. Call the ORIC for guidance and assistance with requests for designated-member review. Proposed protocol changes will require review and approval by IACUC.
- Modification Form for Approved Protocol - (for making changes to an IACUC approved protocol)
- Personnel Modification Form - (for adding or changing personnel on an IACUC approved protocol)
The IACUC must conduct an annual review of each active protocol. PIs are required to complete and submit an Annual IACUC Reporting Form for each active protocol which will be reviewed by the IACUC. Annual Reports are required for continuation of protocol approval. On October 1st of each year, the IACUC administration will email an annual reporting form to every PI with a protocol that was active during the reporting period.
Animal Questions or Concerns Poster: (Revised 02/2025) All animal-use facilities are required to post this document in a common area viewable by all.