IACUC Submissions
Protocol Process Overview
1. The Principal Investigator (PI) or Program Director (PD) must submit a completed protocol submission form including all signatures to the IACUC Administrator via email IACUCadmin@auburn.edu. For PI eligibility questions, please consult the AU-IACUC PI Eligibility Statement.
Protocols submitted after the deadline will ordinarily be held until the next regularly scheduled IACUC meeting. Under special circumstances, the PI/PD may request a designated-member review. Call the ORIC for guidance and assistance with requests for designated-member review (334-844-5978).
Your protocol submission form must be delivered to the IACUC Administrator by 11:30 a.m. on Thursday of the week prior to the scheduled meeting. Forms received after the Thursday deadline may not be reviewed until the next scheduled meeting so please see Meeting Schedule below and the Protocol Approval Process flowchart.
2. Complete protocols received prior to the deadline will be placed on the IACUC Meeting Agenda. Protocols received after the aforementioned deadline may be deferred to the following meeting.
3. A primary and a secondary reviewer of each protocol are assigned by the IACUC Chairperson.
4. The primary reviewer presents the protocol to members of the IACUC followed by comments from the secondary reviewer and the full committee.
5. After IACUC review, the IACUC members may vote to:
- Approve the protocol
- The IACUC Chair or designee will sign the original form, and the ORIC will assign a protocol review number (PRN).
- Require clarifications/revisions (to secure approval)
- A PRN will not be assigned until such clarifications/revisions have been submitted by the PI and approved by the IACUC.
- Withhold approval
- The PI must address major clarifications/revisions and resubmit the protocol for review by the IACUC at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
6. The IACUC Office will provide written communication to the PI regarding the committee’s action on his/her protocol.
A protocol can be approved for up to three years. Continuation of the project beyond three years requires submission of a new animal subjects form for review by the IACUC. Continuation of the project beyond three years must also be accompanied by a brief progress report that states what has been learned and what is expected to be learned from the continuation of the project.
The IACUC meets twice a month except for the month of December when the IACUC meets only once. The IACUC makes every effort to maintain scheduled meeting dates. However, due to member availability, failure to meet quorum or other unusual circumstances, meeting dates are subject to change occasionally. Meetings are rescheduled as close to the original date as possible.
2025 Meeting Schedule
Protocol Forms - All protocol forms required for submission to the IACUC can be found on the Forms Section of our website.