Proposal Development Tools


Open Grants

This is a public-access website in which faculty share copies of proposals submitted to various international sponsors (including U.S. Federal Agencies) that principal investigators can view to review the structure/format of sponsor-specific proposals. The list includes both funded and unfunded proposals (as reflected in the table).
NSF-Specific Data Management Plan
Managing your research data is an effective strategy for ensuring that it will be usable, preserved, maintained, and accessible throughout the life cycle of a research project and for future generations of scientific research.
Moreover, federal funding agencies are now requiring data management plans as part of grant proposal packages. The Auburn University Libraries, in conjunction with the Offices of Sponsored Programs and Proposal Services and Faculty Support have developed an NSF-specific Data Management Plan (DMP). This template is intended to help AU researchers draft effective data management plans for the NSF and other funding agencies with similar requirements. The template addresses the six points mentioned in the original NSF guidelines: role and responsibilities, types of data, data formats and metadata, policies for public access, policies and provisions for re-use and re-distribution, and plans for archiving and preservation.
Auburn University NSF-Specific Data Management Plan (DMP) Form
The Auburn University Libraries has created a Research Data Services subject guide which provides additional information.

Auburn Online 

Auburn Online, a unit of the Office of the Provost, provides value-added services to help colleagues create and evaluate innovative learning experiences that are engaging and high-quality.

Online learning design and development is complex. Auburn Online applies appropriate learning theory, academic research, and design models to construct high-quality learning experiences. Their model allows researchers to creatively showcase their subject matter expertise, reach diverse populations through an open learning management system (Canvas Catalog), and design learning that meets project objectives.
We partner with the PI to plan and create instructional materials for students that deliver content with practice opportunities and meaningful assessment of their learning for online, on-campus, and non-credit courses.  The Auburn Online team has instructional designers, graphic designers, animation specialists, videographers with a full recording studio and on-site recording.  All content produced by Auburn Online meets accessibility requirements. For additional information, contact Asim Ali: or 334-844-8728.
Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)
The Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) based at UAB is a large center funded by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program -- one of 62 nationwide and the only CTSA in Alabama.  Auburn University is a partner within the CCTS Partner Network which crosses institutional boundaries to improve human health and health care delivery. CCTS is available to assist AU biomedical scientists with project and proposal development at both early and late stages. The Research Commons page of the CCTS website provides a number of resources (and contact information).  

Hanover Research
In order to provide resources for faculty and staff, Auburn University has partnered with Hanover Research for a number of grant development solutions including: Pre-proposal Support; Proposal Development; and Capacity Building.  Their full-service grant development solutions are available to set goals, build strategies to achieve key grant seeking objectives, and develop grant proposals that are well-planned, researched, and written. For information regarding Hanover’s core capabilities and project time lines, click here.
Hanover FAQs:

Does Hanover have experience with a wide range of funders?
  • Yes. Hanover has experience with a wide range of funders - private, nonprofit, and federal - including but not limited to NSF, NIH, AHRQ, DOD, and PCORI.
How does a PI request this service?
  • If you are interested in seeking Hanover’s assistance, please contact Tony Ventimiglia (334-844-5954 or
How does Hanover approach proposal reviews?

A Hanover grants consultant may address general scientific elements of a proposal, such as:
  • Construct or structure of the hypothesis and methodology. While Hanover does not purport to provide “scientific reviews” that evaluate the specific science underpinning proposals, its grants consultants will flag where they think research questions, aims, and hypotheses could be strengthened and better aligned.
  • Literature review. Hanover grants consultants will note places where a citation is needed and has not been included. 
  • Clarity and focus. When they suspect that narrative content lacks sufficient clarity, consistency, or rigor, Hanover grants consultants will pose questions to encourage the PI to verify the science, and/or suggest a review by a senior colleague or program officer.
Is there a cost to the individual PI for the service?
  • No. The cost of this service is provided through the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and Economic Development.
What is the turnaround time for Hanover's services?
  • The turnaround time for Hanover’s services varies by service type. A REVIEW is generally turned around 10 business days from the date Hanover receives all requested grant documents. A REVISION provides an added level of support and as such, is generally turned around 15 business days from the date Hanover receives all requested grant documents. 
Hanover Grants Learning Center
The GLC is an on-demand grant development training portal for faculty enrollees who can access self-paced, interactive modules with step-by-step guidance and templates. There are a variety of grantsmanship topics, NIH, and NSF CAREER modules. Contact Christine Cline at for registration information.
Hanover Research Webinar Archive
The webinars focus on a variety of research topics including essentials of grant writing, project and collaboration management and career development.  


Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv)
SciENcv is an application in My NCBI that helps users create online professional profiles that can be made public to share with others.


  • Document education, employment, research activities, publications, honors, research grants, and other professional contributions in one place.
  • Create multiple SciENcv profiles in official biographical sketch formats (e.g., NIH, NSF, IES, etc.)
  • Create NSF Current and Pending Support document.
  • Populate SciENcv profile information by linking to previously established accounts with NIH eRA CommonsNSF, and ORCiD.
  • Control what data is public, and edit and maintain all Biosketch information.


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