Training and Resources

CITI Training

We offer two courses through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) that may be of interest to you whether you are a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, faculty member, or other professional. Be sure to access CITI Program training through the Auburn University CITI Single Sign-On (SSO) link or by selecting LOG IN THROUGH MY ORGANIZATION in CITI. This will allow CITI training completions to be accurately recorded in Auburn University systems. For more information on this process, please click here.

Whether you are a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, faculty member, or other professional, an understanding of grants, how to find them, and how to create and submit a proposal are critical skills that are often not part of formal training programs. Essentials of Grant Proposal Development aims to take much of the mystery out of grant writing by walking learners through the process one step at a time with in-depth instruction that includes videos, exercises, resources, and examples.

The Essentials of Research Administration course explains concepts regarding research administration including the varying structures of sponsored programs, research advancement and development responsibilities, and award process specifics (pre-award, award negotiation and acceptance, and post-award). It also assists individuals working or seeking employment in research administration by exploring professional opportunities, various available resources, professional associations/organizations, advanced learning opportunities, and more.

It is intended for research administration professionals (sponsored programs professionals and managers), principal investigators (PIs), project directors, and others who are responsible for research administration. It may also help individuals determine whether a career in research administration is right for them.

Federal Funder Grant Training Resources


Hanover Research Webinar Archive

Explore the categories below to discover webinars that could be valuable for you. Stay updated on upcoming releases by clicking on the "Upcoming" title, checking back regularly, and subscribing to our Funding Focus Newsletter.


  • Storytelling in Grantwriting, July 2024
    • July 25, 2024 11:00 AM (CST) The heart of any successful grant proposal is a compelling and convincing narrative. Dive into the art of storytelling as it relates to the grant writing process and explore how principal investigators can bring their proposals to life by applying storytelling principles and practices to their writing.

  • Introduction to Grantseeking for Administrators, August 2024
    • August 29, 2024, 11:00 AM (CST) How can Research Administrators best support their colleagues in the pursuit and management of grant funding? Administrators play a pivotal role at their institution in facilitating proposal development, grant submission, and project management. This session will provide a primer on the Grants world through the lens of these professionals, looking at how they can best support their colleagues in the pursuit and management of grant funding.

  • Scaling Up Your Research, September 2024
    • September 26, 2024 11:00 AM (CST) Many researchers who have experienced initial funding success are faced with the same question - where do I go from here? The session will focus on grant-seekers who are aiming to expand the scale of their research, whether it's broadening the scope of their work, adapting to target larger-scale grant opportunities, or exploring collaborations across disciplinary lines.

  • What Deadline?! Keeping yourself & Others On-Track in Grant Development, October 2024
    • October 31, 2024 11:00 AM (CST) Nobody enjoys the last-minute scramble to complete a project, and while not all funders give grant-seekers the benefit of time to develop their proposals, forward planning and savvy management can lead to much stronger grant applications. In this session, Hanover will share best practices for managing the different phases of grant development, including ways to keep yourself and your team working towards important project milestones.

  • Integrating Theoretical Frameworks into Grant Proposals, November 2024
    • November 21, 2024 11:00 AM (CST) The integration of theoretical frameworks into a grant narrative can strengthen the rationale and impact of your project. In this session, dive into the importance of theoretical frameworks, the selection of the appropriate framework for your proposal, and the art of seamlessly weaving your framework into a proposal narrative.

  • Communicating the Impacts of Your Research, December 2024
    • December 19, 2024 11:00 AM (CST) Helping researchers articulate the significance and broader implications of their work, including an overview of research impacts, the importance of dissemination, and methods for communicating impact. Specifically, Hanover will cover how publications, presentations, stakeholder engagement, and broad public dissemination should factor into your plans.