Prepare & Submit Your Proposal
This section contains fundamental information and resources that you will need in order to prepare and submit your proposal. Additional information can be found in the Auburn University Principal Investigator Handbook.
Proposal Basics
A proposal is a detailed request for funding prepared in accordance with a sponsor’s instructions.
A proposal must comply with University policies and sponsor requirements.
A proposal, upon submission, becomes an official record of what AU promised to a sponsor.
Preparing the Proposal
The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for preparing the proposal but normally does so in conjunction with departmental, college-level and Sponsored Programs support.
Review the sponsor guidelines carefully. Most sponsors require preferred formats and specific forms. In addition, each solicitation details the requirements for that particular submission.
Approving and submitting the proposal
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is the primary office responsible for providing the University’s endorsement and submitting proposals, and for accepting awards on behalf of AU and its faculty.
PIs and departments should allow adequate time for proposal review. Proposals must reach OSP in sufficient time before the sponsor’s deadline to provide full and comprehensive proposal review, approval, and submission.