Guidance & Forms

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Animal Care & Use

IACUC Protocol Approval Process Animal Subjects Review Form
Guide for the Care & Use of Laboratory Animals (8th Edition, 2011) Animal Production / Maintenance Facility Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Guide for the Care & Use of Agricultural Animals in Research & Teaching (2010) Modification Form for Approved Protocol
ARENA / OLAW Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee Guidebook (2002) Personnel Modification Form
AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (2013 Edition) Animal Questions or Concerns Poster
HHS PHS Animal Welfare Assurance Species-specific Training Form sample
AU Policy & Procedure Manual for the Care & Use of Live Vertibrate Animals  
Occupational Health & Safety Manual (OHS Core Training)  
Allergy From Animal Contact  
Animal Bite Protocol  
Cattle, Sheep & Goats, Q Fever  
Lifting Techniques  
On the Job Injury Instructions  

Biological Safety

rDNA Form
Infectious Form
Plant Form
rDNA & Infectious Form
Checklist for Principal Investigators

Conflict of Interest

GUIDANCE (National Science Foundation (NSF) FCOI) FORMS (NSF FCOI)
AU NSF FCOI Procedure AU NSF Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
NSF Award and Administration Guide
Guide to Register, Enroll and Complete CITI Training
GUIDANCE (Public Health Service (PHS) FCOI) FORMS (PHS FCOI)
AU PHS FCOI Policy  
AU PHS FCOI Procedures  
PI/PD Guidance for Identifying "Investigators" Subject to the PHS FCOI regulations  
Guide to Register, Enroll and Complete CITI Training  
COI-SMART Quick Reference Card  
COI-SMART How to Recertify/Revise a Questionnaire  

Responsible Conduct of Research

Auburn University Responsible Conduct of Research Training Plan
NSF RCR Training Process Diagram / USDA NIFA Training Process Diagram
Guide to Register, Enroll and Complete CITI Training

Sponsored Programs

Sponsored Programs Officer by Department AU Extramural Cover Form (for award actions only)
Justification for Direct Cost Charging Field of Science Codes
Limited Submission Policy & Guidance AU 2024 Detailed Budget Template
NIH Salary Cap Guidance AU 2024 Summary Budget Template
AU F&A Rate Agreement NSF-Specific Data Management Plan Form
AU Statement on Principal Investigator Eligibility NIH Salary Cap Calculator (right-click and select "Open in new tab")
Procedures for Withdrawing Proposals, Declining Contract or Grant Awards or Terminating Contracts or Grants  
Charging Tuition in Externally Funded Contracts and Grants Policy Statement  
Charging Tuition in Externally Funded Contracts and Grants Additional Guidance  
Guidance on NSF-Supported Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia Requirements/Guidance on Off-campus and Off-site Research Requirements  
AU Direct Cost Policy (Link to PBS) Grant Transfer Form
AU Purchasing Policies & Procedures (Link to PBS) Departmental Error Correction
AU Travel Policies & Procedures (Link to PBS) Salary/Wage Transfer Form
AU Financial Policies & Procedures Fixed Price Research Agreement
AU Guidance for a No Cost Extension Fixed Price Research Services Agreement
Typical Direct vs. Indirect Costs Fixed Price Technical Assistance Agreement
Rebudgeting of Sponsored Projects Cost Reimbursable Research Agreement
E-Verify Procedures Anticipation Request
Closeout of Grants/Contracts AU Fixed Price Agreement Amendment
Frequently Asked Questions on Managing Awards

NIH Childcare Allowance Guidance
NIH Childcare Allowance Reimbursement/Attestation Form

Sample SBIR/STTR Subcontract
Subaward vs. PSC  FDP Subagreement Template (Link to FDP Website)
Subagreement Process Non-Federal Subagreement Template
Subrecipient Cost Sharing Definition Attachment 3B
Subrecipient Invoicing Procedures Subagreement Invoicing Checklist
Vendor Registration Information (Link to PPS) Subrecipient Cost Sharing Documentation Form (right click and select "Open in New Window")
Subaward Definition Subrecipient Sample Invoice (right click and select "Open in New Window")
  Subagreement Close Out Documents
  AU Subrecipient Commitment Form
Auburn University Procedures for the Management of Government Property AU Equipment Inventory Form
Property Services Policies (Link) Property Services Equipment Transactions form