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NIH and AHRQ Announce Updated Resubmission Policy

NIH and AHRQ Announce Updated Resubmission Policy

May 05, 2015 @ 1:55 p.m.
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Effective immediately for application due dates after April 16, 2014 following an unsuccessful resubmission (A1) application, applicants may submit the same idea as a new (A0) application for the next appropriate due date.  Information regarding this policy update can be found in Notice Number: NOT-OD-14-074 released April 17, 2014. In addition, the May 2014 Tiger Tips article provides Sally Rockey's blog discussion on this topic, and also provides a number of direct links for more details. Finally, NIH has updated the FAQ website for Resubmissions to assist with questions regarding the new policy.  As always, do not hesitate to contact the Office of Sponsored Programs if we can provide additional assistance with questions or concerns.


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