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IRB Protocol and Report Submissions May Now Be Submitted Via Email

IRB Protocol and Report Submissions May Now Be Submitted Via Email

November 15, 2016 @ 1:39 p.m.
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The Office of Research Compliance will accept protocol and report submissions to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) via email. Protocol forms, modification and renewal requests, and final reports may be submitted to which is a designated email for submission purposes only. Please incorporate all materials related to the request into one pdf file.  All electronic submissions for full board review must be received by 4:45 PM on the day of the submission deadline to be considered at the next meeting. An automated confirmation will be provided upon receipt of your submission.  If Investigators prefer, a hardcopy of protocols and reports will continue to be accepted at this time. For hardcopy submissions, only the original is required (additional copies are not necessary).  To avoid confusion, please do not duplicate submissions using both methods.  Please contact the Office of Research Compliance at (334) 844-5966 or with any questions.


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