My Funding
Frequently Asked Questions
Principal Investigator / Research Personnel


What is a PI/CO-PI?
PI stands for Principal Investigator. CO-PI stands for Co-principal investigator. These individuals are responsible for the grant.

What if I do not have the SSB Menu Item?
Make sure that your Area Computing Coordinator requested the correct security.

What if I do not see my sponsored project?
Make sure you are a PI or a CO-PI. This is done by contacting Contracts and Grants Accounting.

What if I do not see my non-sponsored project?
Make sure you are listed as a department head, a department contact, etc. in the Master Contact List (found in the SSB application)

What if I see someone who is not my employee?
It may be that they have a non-sponsored program that is listed from your area. If this is the case, either certify it or correct it with a SWT and certify it. If this is not the case, then the employee's home org may be listed incorrectly. Inform HR and ISS.