
The Institute for Strengthening Pathways and Research Knowledge in STEM (SPARK STEM Institute) is a collaborative research and resource unit among eight Greater Alabama Black Belt Region (GABBR) institutions: Alabama State University, Auburn University, Auburn University Montgomery, Enterprise State Community College, Southern Union State Community College, Troy University, Tuskegee University, and University of West Alabama; in partnership with Alabama Cooperative Extension System, GABBR school districts, national labs, foundations, government, and industry. Others who are collaborating with the Institute on grant projects may request affiliation with the Institute.


Alabama State University
Auburn University
Auburn University at Montgomery
Enterprise State COmmunity College
Southern Union Community College
Troy University
Tuskegee University
University of West Alabama
Greater Alabama Black Belt Region School Districts

Greater Alabama Black Belt Region School Districts

Alabama Cooperative Extension System


National Science Foundation
Alabama State Department of Education
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services


Alabama Power
Southern Company