
SPARK STEM Institute Advisory Board

  • James Goosby, Director, Southern Company
  • Bedarius Bell, Director, Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Dr. Kristi Garrett, Assistant Provost and Executive Director, Morris Brown College; Owner, Itsirk Solutions, LLC
  • Kelly Young, Manager, Tennessee Valley Authority
  • Dr. Fay Cobb Payton, Emeritus Professor, NC State University
  • Dr. Mohammed Qazi, SPARK STEM Institute Co-Director, Associate Dean, Tuskegee University
  • Dr. Carl Pettis, SPARK STEM Institute Co-Director, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Alabama State University
  • Dr. Overtoun Jenda, Executive Director and Assistant Provost for Special Projects and Initiatives, Auburn University
  • Dr. Brittany McCullough, Director of Planning, Implementation and Assessment, Auburn University
  • Dr. David Shannon, Director of Research, Humana-Germany-Sherman Distinguished Professor, Auburn University
  • Dr. James E. Witte, Delta Air Lines Endowed Professor, School of Aviation, Auburn University

SPARK STEM Institute Board of Deans and Directors

  • Dr. J. Mike Phillips, Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  • Dr. Paul Patterson, College of Agriculture
  • Dr. Karen Rogers, College of Architecture, Design and Construction
  • Dr. Joe Hanna, Harbert College of Business
  • Dr. Jeffrey Fairbrother, College of Education
  • Dr. Steven Taylor, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
  • Dr. Janaki Alavalapati, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
  • Dr. George Flowers, Graduate School
  • Dr. Susan Hubbard, College of Human Sciences
  • Dr. Jason Hicks, College of Liberal Arts
  • Dr. Gregg E. Newschwander, College of Nursing
  • Dr. Timothy Moore, Harrison College of Pharmacy
  • Dr. Ed Thomas, College of Sciences and Mathematics
  • Dr. Calvin Johnson, College of Veterinary Medicine

SPARK STEM Institute Administrative Council

  • Dr. Overtoun Jenda, Executive Director and Assistant Provost for Special Projects and Initiatives
  • Dr. Brittany McCullough, Director of Planning, Implementation and Assessment
  • Dr. David Shannon, Director of Research
  • Keri Hesson, Academic Programs Administrator/Business Manager
  • Dr. Amy Wright, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Agriculture
  • Dr. Ben Farrow, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Architecture, Design and Construction
  • Dr. Duane Brandon, Acting Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Affairs, Harbert College of Business
  • Dr. Rodney Greer, Associate Dean for Research, College of Education
  • Dr. Janna Willoughby, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
  • Dr. Maria Witte, Associate Dean, Graduate School
  • Dr. Alleah Crawford, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Human Sciences
  • Dr. Cynthia Bowling, Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts
  • Dr. Pao-Feng Tsai, Associate Dean for Research, College of Nursing
  • Dr. Jeffrey Fergus, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Program Assessment, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
  • Dr. Randall Clark, Associate Dean for Research, Harrison College of Pharmacy
  • Dr. Maggie Han, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Sciences and Mathematics
  • Dr. Skip Bartol, Associate Dean for Research, College of Veterinary Medicine