Over the last 3 decades, Auburn University has developed and implemented evidence-informed programs that aim to improve student academic and social experiences to attract, retain, and graduate more historically underrepresented and underserved populations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and related areas. These programs are run by the Office of Special Projects and Initiatives, and they are all funded through external grants.
The Institute for Strengthening Pathways and Research Knowledge in STEM (SPARK STEM Institute), run by the Office of Special Projects and Initiatives, has been created to provide a platform for the institutionalization of these programs while sustaining innovation that will attract continued extramural public and private funding for STEM as well as non-STEM areas.
Support from Auburn University alumni and friends, government, industry, and charitable foundations is needed for these programs to continue as their grants end, as well as continuing proven programs in perpetuity through endowments. You have many options for supporting these programs. These options and Areas of Need are described below.

How do I donate? 

There are several ways of giving to our programs. These include online giving, stock gifts, estate planning, matching gifts, mail-in checks, electronic funds transfer (EFT), real estate gifts, endowments, corporate and foundation giving, and gifts in kind. For instructions on how to give a non-online gift to our programs please visit How do I donate?.

Areas of Need

Click each area below to view more details.