Featured Start-up Companies
Carbon Asset Solutions

Using precision-measurement technology, Carbon Asset Solutions measures and delivers high quality soil-based carbon credits to global markets faster and more efficiently than ever before. Licensed technology was co-developed with USDA.
Carbon Asset Solutions
CytoViva, Inc.

CytoViva’s technology combines Auburn's patented, enhanced darkfield optical microscopy with high resolution hyperspectral imaging. These integrated technologies were specifically designed to enable real-time optical observation at ultra high resolution with minimal sample preparation.
CytoViva Website
IntraMicron, Inc.

Microfibrous materials are an enabling technology that allows chemical reactions and processes to occur far more efficiently than previously imagined or commercially practiced. These "microfibrous media" products possess uniquely adaptable physical properties and performance characteristics that have broad applications across a wide range of markets including air security and biogrowth accelerators.
IntraMicron Website

Nutrivert is developing replacements for antibiotics in livestock production. Their alternative formulations provide similar (if not improved) benefit, at lower cost, and with no risk of developing bacterial resistance.
Nutrivert Website
Petram Technologies

Petram Technologies focuses on solutions for the blasting industry, in particular the challenge of providing environmentally friendly, safe and economical alternatives to explosives and traditional fracking. Petram's approach is based on patented plasma blasting technology developed at Auburn with NASA funding.
Petram Technologies Website
TNG Pharmaceuticals

TNG Pharmaceuticals focuses on a vaccine to protect cattle from parasitic horn flies. The economic impact of these flies – largely due to reduced beef and milk production — approaches one billion dollars per year in North America alone.
XO Armor

Uniquely fitted to the contours of each athlete’s body, XO Armor’s lightweight, low-profile, and non-restrictive guards provide athletes with premium comfort and maximum range of motion.
XO Armor Website