Proposal Timeline

Proposal Timeline and Required Tasks

6 Months
Faculty Member Responsibility:
5 Months 
      Research Administrator Responsibility: 
  • Set up an initial proposal meeting for project team to discuss timeline and feasibility with ADR and RA.
  • Review call for proposal and requirements with faculty.
  • Develop proposal timeline.
  • Assign tasks to responsible parties for obtaining relevant documents.
  • Make sure correct e-submission credentials and logins are in place.   
  • Make sure Working Box is created and available to all parties. Create the box folder  with the following format "year-agency". This folder will be used when the application is ready for the ADR and RA to review.
  • Double check if Hanover or CCTS Panel review are needed.

Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Contact potential partners and/or subcontractors to see if they have an interest in participating. Email contacts for any subcontractors to RA so that he/she can contact them to get the needed paperwork.
  • Meet with all confirmed proposal team members to outline project, discuss budget, and develop project timeline.
  • Request letters of support and bio-sketches from team members.
4 Months
Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Write proposal narrative and supporting documents. 
Research Administrator Responsibility:
  • Provide guidance for and assist in developing proposal components.
3 Months
Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Finalize support documentation in agency format if applicable (e.g. , any current and pending research support, conflict of interest, IRB etc.) 
  • Complete training if there are compliance, conflict of interest, or responsible conduct of research training requirements.
  • Obtain letters of support and bio-sketches from team members.
Research Administrator Responsibility: 
  • Continue to provide guidance for and assist in developing proposal components.
2 Months
Faculty Member Responsibility:

  • Upload the following documents to the Working Box Folder for initial review by the ADR and RA:
    A well-written draft of the project narrative.
    A draft project budget, budget justification, and abstract.
    Work with Tara Ward, PSFS and OSP staff to draft the budget and start the budget justification.
  • Review the completion of all supporting documents (bio-sketches, letters of support, subcontract information, compliance information, etc.)
  • Optional: Schedule time with Hanover research or CCTS Panel for review of narrative and other necessary documents if utilized. 
  • Make edits to the grant proposal and support documents as needed.

Research Administrator Responsibility:

  • Contact subcontractors for any budgets that have not been submitted to AU and AU Sub-recipient commitment form. 
  • Continue to provide guidance for developing proposal components. 

6 Weeks
Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Finalize Grant Proposal (including abstract, approach, management plan, data management plan, and logic model if applicable.)
  • Receive all support letters, cost share/match commitment letters, subcontractor documentation.
  • Finalize CVs or bio-sketches.  
  • Upload the budget & budget justification to the Working Box Folder.

Research Administrator Responsibility:
  • Review proposal budget and justification, provide feedback to faculty member, and upload to the Working Box Folder when completed.
  • If utilized, PSFS staff, editor, and/or external reviewer will: Review project narrative (and any other documents PI wants reviewed) and send feedback to faculty member.
4 Weeks
Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Make adjustments to the budget and budget justification as recommended by Research Administrators. 
  • Finalize proposal narrative.
3 Weeks
Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Upload full proposal application (project narrative, abstract, bio-sketches, appendices, letters of support, budget, budget justification, other supporting documents) to the subfolder of the Working Box Folder

Research Administrator Responsibility:
  • Review proposal package and provide feedback through track changes and comments and upload to subfolder in Working Box Folder.
  • Begin to upload proposal in Agency System and check for system errors.
2 Weeks
Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Finalize budget, budget justification, and upload to the Working Box Folder.

Research Administrator Responsibility:
  • Route AU e-cover form through AU system for signatures.
10 Days
Faculty Member Responsibility:
  • Finalize full proposal application (project narrative, abstract, bio-sketches, appendices, letters of support, budget, budget justification, other supporting documents), create a final doc folder within Working Box folder,  and upload all final docs to the subfolder.

Research Administrator Responsibility:
  • Conduct final review of final documents and submit on behalf of AU.
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