Sally Ann MissildineStudent Research Spotlight - Sally Ann Missildine

Sally Ann Missildine won first place in the poster category, University-Wide Undergraduate Student Winners in Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Creative Arts, Nursing and Humanities, during the virtual 2021 Auburn Research: Student Symposium.

Hometown:  Decatur, Alabama
Major and degree: Bachelor of Science in Interior Design
College: Human Sciences
Department: Consumer and Design Sciences
Class year: Junior
Faculty mentor: Anna Ruth Gatlin

Designing a Hotel Room that Accommodates a Large Family



What are you researching?
This semester, I have been researching how to design a hotel room that will accommodate the needs of a large family and is also economically sustainable. In addition, after completing my research, I was able to create 3D visualizations of how the design might look in real life.

How could the results benefit individuals, agencies or companies?
The result of a hotel room to accommodate a family of eight individuals or less would benefit families of most sizes. In addition, it would benefit the hotel industry as a whole, by expanding its market to include those who are likely to opt for alternative accommodations.

Tell us why you enjoy research.
I enjoy researching in order to better understand specific topics and also to grow in appreciation for subjects I am not very familiar with. I especially enjoyed researching the design of a hotel room for a large family because I grew up in a family of seven, and we were often discouraged from staying in hotels due to the lack of adequate accommodations.

What advice would you give to other students considering doing a research project?
Research projects can be daunting at the outset, but they are definitely worth the time and effort. I would encourage anyone considering research to make sure the topic is one you are genuinely interested in, as it is much easier to be diligent when you enjoy learning about your chosen topic.

Tell us about any hobbies or activities you enjoy.
I love learning about the built environment in general, but especially about historical design periods and classically based movements. I also love spending time with my family, being outside, learning about anything within the culinary arts and being involved in my church community.


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