Swagata ChakrabortyStudent Research Spotlight - Swagata Chakraborty

Swagata Chakraborty won first place in the category, University-Wide Graduate Student Awards in Human Sciences, Social Sciences, Creative Arts and Humanities, during the 2020 Auburn Research: Virtual Student Symposium.

Hometown: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Major: Doctorate in consumer and design sciences
College: Human Sciences
Department: Department of Consumer and Design Sciences
Class year: Third year of the doctoral program
Faculty mentor: Wi-Suk Kwon

The Influence of Perceived Human Values on Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility PR Messages and Company



What are you researching?
This research was to explore the influence of human values (e.g., values of benevolence, tradition, power, etc.) on consumers' perceptions of, and attitudes toward, corporate social responsibility (CSR) messages and companies communicating such messages. This is one of the first research initiatives that investigated and evinced that humans are hard-wired in perceiving things through a lens of human values; such perceptions influence their attitudes toward the humane acts performed and communicated by various companies.


How could the results benefit individuals, agencies or companies?
The results are particularly beneficial for the companies engaging in CSR activities. Specifically, these companies can frame their CSR public relation messages by emphasizing the humane aspects of their CSR activities. This will help the companies in building a strong human connection with their consumers.

Tell us why you enjoy research.
I enjoy research because it challenges me intellectually, especially in terms of understanding consumer behavior and finding solutions to impending marketing problems. I particularly enjoy exploring ways for encouraging environmentally, socially and ethically responsible consumer behavior. I believe I have an advantage here, being both a researcher and consumer.

What advice would you give to other students considering doing a research project?
Find a topic that you are passionate about. Find a topic for which you would not mind spending hours every day and still remain awed by the immense interest you have for conducting further research. Most importantly, find a topic that will help in some way in making the world a better place to live in.

Tell us about any hobbies or activities you enjoy.
I love cooking and playing the sitar, an Indian classical instrument. To me, food and music are the best stressbusters.

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