Allison DeesStudent Research Spotlight - Allison Dees

Allison Dees won second place in the category, University-Wide Undergraduate Student Winners in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, during the 2020 Auburn Research: Virtual Student Symposium.

Hometown:  Helena, Alabama
Major and degree: Bachelor of Science, Wildlife Sciences Pre-Vet
College: School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Department: Wildlife Sciences
Class year: Senior, Class of 2021
Faculty mentor: Dr. Erik Hofmeister

Feelings by Veterinarians on Client Presence during Anesthesia Induction and Recovery




What are you researching?
I am currently working with Dr. Erik Hofmeister at Auburn's College of Veterinary Medicine to gain a better understanding of veterinarian's feelings towards client presence during induction and recovery, which are critical times during the anesthetic process. In human medicine, studies have been conducted on parental presence during induction for infants and small children, but little work has been done on how client presence is perceived or granted in the veterinary field. Pet owners are often worried about their pets being anesthetized, and some would like to be there during the anesthetic process; however, veterinarians have expressed resistance to this idea. We are working to understand why veterinarians are often resistant to having clients present during anesthesia induction and recovery.

How could the results benefit individuals, agencies or companies?
By interviewing veterinary anesthesiologists across the United States, I am working to understand how client presence affects veterinary staff and patient safety, with aims of bettering veterinarian-client relationships in the future.

Tell us why you enjoy research.
I enjoy research because it challenges me to think critically and gives me the opportunity to learn more about my field. Being able to work so closely with Dr. Hofmeister and the vet school solidified my interest in pursuing a career in small and/or exotic animal medicine.

What advice would you give to other students considering doing a research project?
I would encourage students to start looking for research opportunities early in their undergraduate career. Try to search for research opportunities that align with your future career goals.

Tell us about any hobbies or activities you enjoy.
I am a reptile lover and I also study anole lizards with Dr. Dan Warner's evolutionary biology lab at Auburn. I am a member of the Auburn University Marching Band, and I have been playing the French horn for about a decade. Being able to play music and support the Auburn community during gameday has been one of my favorite college experiences. War Eagle!

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