Health Disparities Research Initiative (HDRI)


  1. Maintain a vibrant community of health disparities scholars at Auburn University.image of Auburn University's Samford Hall
  2. Provide a forum for faculty and graduate student feedback on health disparities research at all stages of development.
  3. Raise awareness of current issues and developments in the field of health disparities.
  4. Facilitate inter- and trans-disciplinary conversations and collaborations on health disparities.
  5. Create links between research and instruction, and provide opportunities for student involvement in health disparities research
  6. Train and mentor the next generation of health disparity scholars


  1. General meetings take place bimonthly in a virtual format.
  2. A newsletter is released three times a year.
  3. A symposium event is organized annually.
*Join our mailing list to subscribe to our newsletter and learn about upcoming meetings and events.


  • Graduate students who plan to do thesis or dissertation research on a topic relevant to social inequality or health disparities are encouraged to schedule a time to present their proposed research to the HDRI group. Sign up on our interest form and we will work with you to find an appropriate time and format. This is an opportunity to get interdisciplinary feedback on your research, preferably early in the process, and to identify relevant committee members. Email with any questions. All students doing relevant research, including those signed up for the Health Equity Science Graduate Certificate are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.
    • Faculty are also encouraged to present their research to the group. Faculty research at all stages of development is welcome. Please contact or sign up on the interest form to schedule a time to present your research.

Projects Related to Health Disparities at Auburn:

  • Across campus, faculty, staff, and students at Auburn engage in a wide range of projects relevant to identifying, understanding, and eliminating health disparities. If you are currently involved in such a project, please complete this very brief form so that we can add your project to our list.  The list of health disparities relevant projects will be made available on our website as a resource for the Auburn University community and will help to raise awareness of health disparities activities across campus and ways to get involved.