The CESURI is committed to clarifying the complex implications of urban and exurban expansion across the rural landscape and providing useful information to managers, policy makers and the public. We have engaged these stakeholders through a variety of venues including invited talks, plenary sessions, and formal conferences.
SGSF Water Tour 2012
Urban-Rural Interfaces Linking People and Nature
Stream Team
Stream Team 2014
CESURI Outreach Day
Greeting students on Outreach Day June 2012
Eco- Dogs
Aubie Loves CESURI
Aubie loves CESURI
Meet and Greet
Meet and Greet June 2011
Dr. Alley speaks on her recent projects with CESURI
Counting Mosquitoes with Dr. Krisztian Magori
Water Watch
Dr. Chris Anderson teaching students about Water at Water Day 2014
Can you count them all?
Water Bug Quiz with Dr. Brantley
Charlene LeBleu taking the students on a Water Tour
Pesticide Safety
Dr. Lockaby opening remarks Water Day Feb 2014
Do you know your bugs? Water Day 2014
Alabama Power Water Cylce Center
World Water Day Celebration in Clanton with 60 students from Tallassee March 2012
Water Cycle Center
Water First
Research Week Booth April 2012
Michelle Cole teaching students the benefits of Urban Forestry
Michelle Cole speaks on West Nile Forestry Invitational June 2015
Students asking questions about West Nile June 2015 Oak Mountatin State Park
Opening Remarks CESURI 2013 Water Day
Get Ticked Off About Lyme Disease
Ginn Concourse September 2014
Michelle Cole, shows where to find ticks on the body in the Lyme danger Zones
AU students visiting the booth om lyme disease
Dr. Chris Anderson speaking on the Stream Team 2015 AU Outreach Symposium
2015 GA Water Conference
2015 Dothan Stream team
West Nile Research
West Nile Cycle
Fight the Bite Fight West Nile Diease
2015 MANRRS Banquet
2015 MANRRS Officers and USDA Representatives
MANRRS Photo Winner
2014 Spring Judging Clinic
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Dr. Sonja Thomas Speaks on pesticides
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Mellisa Miller shows a 4th grader a critter
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Here goes Aubie!
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Donna Cunningham decides Snakes are for her too!
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Rebecca John and her little friend are taking a little stroll!
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Dr. Chris Anderson and his students show us how to build our own wetland,
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
It's picture time with Aubie!
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Dr. Reyes Prinicipal of the Tallassee Elementary School decided to do the West Nile Dance
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Aubie Shows us how to do the West Nile Dance
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
They have arrived!
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Sydney Smith teaches the students about Water Conservation / Watershed plastic tarp
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Aubie and the students see how long can you keep the water moving around the tarp
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Mona Dominguez teaches all about watershed management
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Emily Merritt is telling them all about Ticks
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Aubie posing with the Eco- Dogs
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Bart Rodgers and pam are always a hit with the Eco Dogs
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Ann Huyler teaching mosquito life cycle
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Hamed Majidzadeh teaching students about mosquito larvae
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Dr. Eve Brantley discusses Water Conservation / Watershed plastic tarp witht the students
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Aubie checking out watershed management
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Aubie gets around
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Parents and students learning about adult mosquitoes
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Robin pointing out pupae info
CESURI Outreach DAY 2016
Students looking at adult mosquitoes under the microscope
2016 Alabama Storm Water Symposium
CESURI booth
2016 Alabama Storm Water Symposium
2016 Alabama Storm Water Symposium
Dr. Chris Anderson representing at our booth.
2016 Alabama Storm Water Symposium
Dr. Anderson speaks to a guest at our booth
2016 Alabama Storm Water Symposium
Enis Baltaci, a student funded by CESURI presented on Flood Mitigation at Toulmins Spring Branch Watershed through LID practices
2016 Alabama Storm Water Symposium
Enis Baltaci, a student funded by CESURI presented on Flood Mitigation at Toulmins Spring Branch Watershed through LID practices
2016 Alabama Storm Water Symposium
Enis Baltaci with Dr. Kalin presenting on Flood Mitigation at Toulmins Spring Branch Watershed through LID practices.
Rainfall Demo
Rainfall Simulator Demostration
Student Poster presentations
Your Creeks
Eve Brantley Welcome
General Session
Green Infrastructure- Planning for Success, Funding Strategies, and Lessons
Andy Reese