Bunny Daly, a recent graduate of the RN-BSN program at Auburn University’s College of Nursing (AUCON), received the prestigious Outstanding Student Award at the Summer 2024 pinning ceremonies. Her journey from Indiana University Bloomington, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Biology, to becoming a part-time registered nurse at the Long Island State Veterans Home in Stony Brook, New York, is a proof to her dedication and passion for nursing.

Daly's introduction to Auburn’s RN-BSN program was unexpected. While visiting Auburn to drop off her son, Nik, for the Fall 2020 semester, Daly was struck by the warmth and kindness of the people she met. This impression, together with Auburn’s affordability and AUCON's one-year completion time, guided her decision to enroll. She credits Wendy Franklin from AUCON for her important role in navigating the application process, noting that Auburn’s personalized support was a standout feature compared to other programs.

The RN-BSN program profoundly impacted Daly’s professional and leadership skills. She learned to approach difficult situations with composure, such as preparing for patient wound treatments, and targeted assignments which honed her critical thinking and management skills.

"A program highlight was the community health project in my final semester, which focused on reducing sugar intake and promoting exercise among special needs children. Working closely with the children and their teacher, I found the experience rewarding and memorable, emphasizing the importance of engaging, hands-on activities in health education."

Balancing her roles as a faculty member at Suffolk County Community College, a part-time nurse, and a student posed significant challenges. Daly managed her time diligently, often working ahead of schedule and making personal sacrifices to prioritize her studies. The support from her family, combined with the resources available through Auburn, including the Miller Writing Center and librarian Ms. Grabowsky, was crucial in navigating these challenges.

“Professor Tanya Johnson was a constant source of support. Despite being far from campus, her availability for Zoom meetings and prompt feedback on assignments made a significant difference in my success. Her dedication and care were invaluable.”

She also underlines the positive impact of preceptorships on her training. Her experience at the Long Island State Veterans Home taught her the value of simple, compassionate gestures in enhancing patient satisfaction. Although Daly initially wanted to work in maternity, she now finds fulfillment in geriatric care and aims to work with underserved women and children in the future, teaching them about preventive health interventions.

Looking ahead, Daly plans to pursue a master’s degree in nursing to contribute to the education of future nurses. Her advice to students is to stay engaged, adhere to a schedule, and maintain a passion for their work. She believes that relying on faith, family, and determination, while keeping perspective, is key to overcoming challenges and achieving goals.

Reflecting on her time at Auburn, Daly expresses gratitude for the fulfilling and enriching experience of the RN-BSN program; despite wishing she could have spent more time on campus.