Dr. Ann Lambert, associate clinical professor, teaches pediatric nursing and strives to involve undergraduate and graduate students in outreach opportunities. After a quiz, when she was collecting scratch paper and noticed artful doodling by a student, Lambert reached out to the student, Olivia Schaffer, to see if she might be interested in sharing her talent with others. “The combination of interest in children and art seemed like a good blend for Schaffer to participate in the Coats for Kids drive sponsored by the Sigma Nursing Honor Society,” Lambert said.
In fall 2020, nursing students participating with children at the Potter-Daniel Clubhouse in Opelika observed a need for winter coats for grade-school children and teens. Auburn’s Sigma members are currently conducting a coat drive and will deliver the items to Opelika later this fall. Donations for coats can also be delivered to the School of Nursing on campus.
"As a second-semester student, I'm still learning what I want to be involved with during my time in school,” said Schaffer, who designed the poster for the drive. “The opportunity to develop a sign for the coat drive with Dr. Lambert was an incredible one because it not only let me take a break from studying and be able to paint, but it also allowed me to learn more about Sigma and the project. I've always had a passion for helping kids and learning that the coats we collect can help the boys and girls in our community means so much to me, and hopefully even more to them! I hope to have more opportunities to serve and help children in Lee County during my time at AUSON."
Sigma, nursing’s only international honorary society, has a local chapter at Auburn University. Faculty and student members of Theta Delta chapter participate in several outreach effort annually. This fall members voted to collaborate with The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lee County to provide several services supporting the mission of the agency. To assist in supporting a healthy lifestyle of the club members, nursing students are collecting personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes, lotion, deodorant, mouthwash, and accept all donations.